
P1: M. Keute – Spectral differences between genotypes of Prader-Willi syndrome corroborate EEG phenotype of GABAA receptor gene deletion

P2: J. Falck – The role of Piccolo in cerebellar circuitry

P3: W. Xing – E/I ratio is maintained constant in neocortical cultured networks despite variation of the GABAergic neurons proportion

P4: V. Baumann – Memory consolidation in children with ADHD is improved by the exploration of an unrelated novel virtual environment

P5: D. Fritzsch – Asymptomatic Langat virus infection-related impact on anxiety-dependent behavior and hippocampal neuron morphology and function.

P6: W. Sun – Neuronal Activity in the Mouse Retrosplenial Cortex during Context Discrimination in Virtual Environments

P7: K. Kunikullaya – Evaluation of the effect of 3 melodic scales of Indian music on the brain rhythms and stress levels

P8: M. Zempeltzi – Representation of stimulus-, task-, and choice-related information in rodent auditory cortex revealed by chronic current-source density recordings

P9: V. Viswananthan – A rat model of reward conditioning using optogenetic VTA stimulation

P10: H. Edler – Investigating immune cells in the brain using light sheet fluorescence microscopy

P11: S. Jia – Polysialic acid mimetics to reset the balance between synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDA receptors and rescue learning and memory in mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases

P12: I. Song – Extracellular matrix balances principal cell excitability and synaptic plasticity

P13: J. Henschke – Task engagement and visuomotor feedback facilitate stimulus encoding in visual cortex

P14: R. Kaushik – Understanding synaptic changes underlying neuronal communication by vital imaging of tetrapartite synapses

P15: E. Andrzejak – Effects of patient-derived pathogenic anti-NMDA receptor autoantibodies on synaptic function and network activity

P16: M. Knoll – Effects of sportive dance training compared to endurance and strength training on cognitive performance in old age – A longitudinal study on the prevention of memory loss

P17: K. Ahmadi – Triple hemifield input to the visual cortex in a patient with chiasmal hypoplasia

P18: F. Abela – Cortical circuit processing of FM-tones during auditory learning and adaptation of behavioral strategiesP19: S. Aksit – Cortical circuit processing of FM-tones during auditory learning and adaptation of behavioral strategies

P19: Y. Demiray – Role of Ndr2 kinase in substrate-specific neurite growth and spine development

P20: M. Brunk – Optogenetic stimulation of the ventral tegmental area affects early intracolumnar and late cortico-cortical tone-evoked processing in gerbil primary auditory cortex

P21: M. Brosch – Evolution of the Reward Prediction Error During Reward Learning

P22: R. Puzniak – Diffusion MRI detects structural abnormalities in optic chiasm

P23: S. Riemann – The impact of age and phonemic awareness on the auditory steady state response (ASSR) in children and young adults

P24: A. Reboreda – Modulation of intrinsic persistent firing by noradrenaline and serotonin in CA1 pyramidal neurons

P25: K. Klinger – Female rats are resistant to the long-lasting neurobehavioral changes induced by adolescent stress exposure

P26: N. Alam – Investigating the Role of Direct Artificial Auditory Cortical Stimulation in Mongolian Gerbils

P27: S. Jandke – Behavioral characterization of spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats – a pilot study

P28: E. Redavide – Sustained autophagy induction by the stress-resilience mediator neuropeptide Y in hippocampal and cortical cultures

P29: E. Pollali – The GAD65 KO mouse model of reduced GABAergic synthesis: changes in hippocampal network oscillations and single cell properties

P30: G. Prabhakaran – Brain activity in input deprived V1 in glaucoma – (no) evidence of plasticity?

P31: J. Wolf – Macromolecular protein transport from synapse-to-nucleus regulates nucleolar function and facilitates protein synthesis in neurons

P32: C. M. del Angel – Effects of chronic trehalose supplementation on spatial learning and autophagy in aged mice

P33: K. Deane – Ketamine anesthesia induces rampant excitation and broadband power increase in granular input layers of the rodent primary auditory cortex

P34: S. E. Lacalle – Dopaminergic modulation of circuit excitability and plasticity in the lateral amygdala: A critical role for NPYergic interneurons?

P35: L. Sosulina – Early cell-autonomous mechanism of cellular hyperactivity in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease

P36: E. Kul – Rescue of dentate gyrus/amygdala pathology and function in an inducible mouse model of FMR1-premutation

P37: A. Vlasenko – Comparison of laminar activity profiles evoked by optogenetic visual cortex stimulation using the synapsin and CamKIIα-promoter

P38: J. Marchner – Alcoholism-related changes in the neuro-cognitive habit system

P39: A. Sengezer – Subjective Cognitive Decline in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease